Sleep Screener Our Sleep Screener takes just 2-3 minutes and is 90% accurate. First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Primary Care Provider Have you ever been given a CPAP device? Yes No If you have been given a CPAP, do you use it nightly Yes No Are you comfortable with your CPAP and satisfied with its use? Yes No If the answer is "Yes" to all three questions, YOU ARE DONE! If the answer is "No" to any of the above questions, please continue to Part 1. Part 1 Epworth Sleepiness Scale How likely are you to doze off during the following activities? Please use the following scale: 0 = NEVER, 1 = SLIGHT, 2 = MODERATE, 3 = HIGH Being a passenger in a motor vehicle for an hour or more 0 1 2 3 Sitting and talking to someone 0 1 2 3 Sitting and reading 0 1 2 3 Watching TV 0 1 2 3 Sitting inactive in a public place 0 1 2 3 Lying down to rest in the afternoon 0 1 2 3 Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol 0 1 2 3 In a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffic 0 1 2 3 PART 2 Have you been told that you snore? Yes No Does your family have a history of premature death in their sleep? Yes No Do you have diabetes? Yes No Have you ever been told you have coronary artery disease? Yes No Do you have high blood pressure? Yes No Have you experienced irregular heart rhythms? Yes No PART 3 Have you ever been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea? Yes No Do you awake from sleep with chest pain or shortness of breath? Yes No Has anyone ever said that you seem to stop breathing while sleeping? Yes No Is your neck size larger than 15" (female) or 16.5" (male) Yes No Have you ever had a stroke? Yes No Have you ever been told you have congestive heart failure? Yes No Did you have or did you ever have atrial fibrillation? Yes No Submit TO HELP US REACH OUR MISSION OF SCREENING EVERYONE IN THE VALLEY, PLEASE TAKE THIS TEST AND URGE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO DO THE SAME. WE PLEDGE TO GRADE YOUR SCREENER AND LET YOU KNOW YOUR RISK WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS.