Andrew Turchin, DMD Blog

dental implants aspen colorado
Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

What exactly are Dental Implants? In the past, when you were missing a tooth, your only two dental options were to have a fixed bridge placed or wear a partial denture. Dental implant technology has revolutionized the dental industry. Dental implants are small metal rods made out of titanium. This surgical-grade metal is safely inserted

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dental health for patients with disabilities aspen co

Dental Health In Patients With Disabilities – Part 1 Of 2

Caring for dental health in patients with disabilities requires a lot of attention. The conditions of these people often prevent them from maintaining proper hygiene. In addition to this, all diseases and treatments require special attention compared to patients who don’t have any disabilities. In this two-part post, we offer a guide so you know everything related to this topic.

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Learn More About Invisalign

The differences between Invisalign with Dr. Turchin and Invisalign with others are vast. But mainly you get a dentist with decades of experience personally designing your new smile.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Learn More About Veneers We Offer

If a 99.6% no de-bond or breakage rate isn’t enough to convince you that our porcelain veneers are the best around, see all the other ways Dr. Turchin’s compare to other lower-quality, more-expensive veneers out there.

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pediatric dentistry aspen co
Pediatric Dentist

Benefits Of Visiting A Pediatric Dentist

Your children’s oral hygiene is essential. It is a crucial age where dental issues are easier to handle as compared to in adulthood. Providing adequate dental care to your children will help avoid uncomfortable cavities and prevent them from oral pain.

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dental implants image aspen
Dental Implants

Dental Implants for Periodontitis and High-Risk Patients

Are normal dental implants also suitable for patients who are at increased risk of periodontitis?
Conventional titanium dental implants usually offer a safe treatment option with a 95 percent success rate. However, “normal” dental implants have some problem areas that make them unsuitable for periodontitis and high-risk patients.

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dentist & patient

Why Is Descaling So Important

In conclusion, descaling is a simple, painless and inexpensive operation that must become an annual habit. Tartar gains to be eliminated regularly by brushing, dental flushing and wheelchair descaling.

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porcelaidn dental veneers aspen co
Cosmetic Dentistry

Can Porcelain Veneers Be Whitened?  

Creating a full and beautiful smile is easy with the help of porcelain veneers. Veneers are one of the most tried and trusted cosmetic options and has been for years. Veneers are easy to place, normally requiring little to no anesthetic. They are relatively long-lasting, with most porcelain veneers staying in place for about a

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This gentleman desired a brighter smile, but wanted a natural look to suit his face. New veneers were handcrafted to look completely natural, and his smile was designed to better support his face.

A long time Aspenite didn’t like her two front teeth. After proper analysis and a Smile Test DriveTM we determined it was a more complex problem than just two teeth. Her bite had destroyed her teeth and smile, and aged her face. So we fixed her bite and smile using our Ageless Smile algorithm, which turned back the clock.

This 40 something Aspen and Sydney resident presented looking for a better smile. Because after 2 rounds of Invisalign and plenty of whitening, he was still left wanting. With almost no preparation of his teeth we were able to add the length, prominence, broadness on sides and the shade his smile was wanting for resulting in a more youthful attractive smile and fuller lips. He is ecstatic about his new smile! The Ageless Smile Algorithm nailed it again.

This hospital exec traveled for a couple of hours in search of the smile of her dreams. Her lack of tooth display was due to a skeletal issue known as an impacted and retrognathic maxilla, which means her upper jaw was too far up and back causing her smile to show less tooth volume and less lip support than ideal. We designed a new smile to correct that deficiency by making her teeth longer and building them out for more tooth support. Now she shows a more attractive and youthful amount of tooth display that is in harmony with her lower lip. She loves her new smile which gives her renewed confidence every day.

Unhappy with the size of her smile and her local dentist’s attempt to bond a little more length, this Florida woman came to Aspen to receive The

Ageless SmileTM. Traditional dentistry would have referred her for Jaw Surgery in order to bring her upper jaw down and forward to show more teeth. Although this was discussed, the patient chose the non-surgical route which gave a near surgical result for her esthetics and bite. Tooth display at smile and at rest are some of the main determinants in guessing ones age. She now shows a more youthful amount of tooth, which takes years off of her look.

Our favorite Miami Housewives star, interior designer, and hotelier was just back in our office for his new smile. Exactly like the temporaries but the brighter shade he chose. In fact, this is our very brightest shade that he saw on his dear friend and fell in love with, and why he came to us to begin with. He has been looking for a decade for someone who could give him a super bright smile that still looked natural. It’s all in the natural tooth form, texture, and translucency. He loves his new smile and commented after each visit that he was amazed that he felt like he had no work done after each appointment as he had no pain or sensitivity. Another great Ageless Smile!