What is Lip Asymmetry?
Many people have asymmetrical lips that are either shorter or larger on one side or have double curves. Oftentimes, this problem is caused by the positioning of the teeth and can be corrected with cosmetic dental procedures. We offer treatments to fix lip asymmetry and are dedicated to helping you feel your best. With the help of this treatment, you can feel more confident in your appearance and your smile will shine brighter.
Why might you need treatment to fix Lip Asymmetry?
Lip asymmetry might make you feel unconfident about your smile. You may also find that you’re constantly biting or hitting a lower or upper lip, resulting in pain and damage to the lip. These are all reasons to consider treatment for lip asymmetry to create a more symmetrical mouth.

What makes you a good candidate for Improving Lip Asymmetry?
Most people who are unhappy with the asymmetrical nature of their lips are good candidates for treatment. You will need to come in for a consultation with Dr. Andrew Turchin before treatment can begin. This helps us to determine the severity of the problem and what work is needed to correct it. Oftentimes, careful cosmetic work done on your teeth can prevent the lips from looking uneven and asymmetrical.
What can you expect when having a procedure to Improve Lip Asymmetry?
To begin treatment for correcting lip asymmetry, you’ll need to have a consultation with Dr. Andrew Turchin. He will examine the lips and determine what is causing them to be uneven. If your teeth are to blame, simple cosmetic procedures can alter the way that your lips look. The type of procedure that is needed will be discussed prior to the work being done. Before and after pictures are taken so that you can see the progress that has been made with the cosmetic treatment.
If you are looking to fix your lip asymmetry, call us today and we’ll be happy to schedule you for an appointment.