porcelaidn dental veneers aspen co
Creating a full and beautiful smile is easy with the help of porcelain veneers. Veneers are one of the most tried and trusted cosmetic options and has been for years. Veneers are easy to place, normally requiring little to no anesthetic. They are relatively long-lasting, with most porcelain veneers staying in place for about a decade. The veneer procedure involves matching your current restorations with your existing dentition for a bright, flawless appearance.

Can Porcelain Veneers Be Whitened?

You may already have veneers or are looking to get them placed but want to know if they can be whitened. Porcelain veneers cannot be whitened with whitening products or treatments. They remain the color they were when first created for you. In order to whiten your veneers, they will need to be fully replaced with veneers that are of a lighter shade. While some whitening treatments and products promise to whiten dental restorations, the vast majority of restorations will not change color during or after using the product. The beauty about veneers not changing color is that you can rest assured they won’t stain or discolor. You can always benefit from veneers that are the same color they were when they were first placed.

Best Options for Veneer Patients

If you’re unhappy with the color of your veneers, the best option is to have them replaced. Your doctor may recommend whitening your natural teeth prior to the veneer procedure so that your new whiter veneers match your brighter smile. You may need to whiten your natural teeth regularly to keep them bright, white and matching the veneers that have been placed. Because the veneer procedure is so easy and quick, it takes very little time to replace them. In fact, it’s recommended that you have your veneers replaced every 10 years, so if your veneers are over a decade old, you may want to consider having them replaced regardless of their color.

In order to be fully satisfied with your new veneers, it’s important to choose a color that works for your smile. Whitening your natural teeth can help in creating a flawless and natural look so that it’s less obvious that you’re wearing veneers. While veneers may not be able to be whitened, they can’t stain or discolor either. This ensures that you can always feel confident in wearing your veneers and showing off a bright, full and flawless smile.

root canals aspen co

Root canals are one of the most common procedures performed in the dental office. The procedure can be done in about an hour and provides quick and efficient pain relief of a tooth that is bothering you. The need for a root canal can stem from a variety of different reasons, but treatment is the same and should be done as soon as you notice there is a problem. With early treatment, you can prevent the development of an infection and the need for further care.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal involves the complete and total removal of the inner pulp of a tooth. Each of your teeth has a pulp inside, which houses the nerves and blood supply for that particular tooth. When decay is allowed to reach the pulp or if a tooth has broken or cracked enough to expose the pulp, a root canal should be performed. During the root canal, the pulp is removed from the tooth and the canals of the roots are filled with a specialty medicated material. Root canals are done to preserve the actual tooth and prevent the need for an extraction.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

While one of the only conclusive ways to tell if you need a root canal is with an exam and x-ray, there are other signs to look out for. Keep in mind that these signs may indicate other problems, like severe sensitivity that can be resolved with desensitizing agents or even just a simple cavity. The only real way to tell if a root canal is needed is with a comprehensive examination and dental x-ray. If you find yourself taking over-the-counter pain medications more than just once a day for a toothache, it’s time to be seen for the problem. Spme things to look for that could signal the need for a root canal include:

• Sensitivity to Hot and Cold
• Severe Tooth Pain
• Darkening of a Tooth
• Swollen Gums
• Cracked or Fractured Tooth
• Throbbing or Sharp Toothache

Why Treatment is Necessary

If treatment is ignored, the inner pulp can become infected and further care is needed to clear the infection before any work can be done. Likewise, a root canal that is ignored can cause severe pain and sensitivity, making it difficult for you to enjoy life without focusing on how your tooth feels. Root canals may be frightening to some, but they are incredibly simple and beneficial procedures to the health of your teeth. They effectively remove the pulp, which in turn eliminates any pain and sensitivity that you’re experiencing so that you can get back to your day.